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Netstock Advanced Forecasting

The advanced forecasting functionality has been designed to complement and extend the existing forecasting functionality in the App.

Use the points on the right to navigate directly to a specific section of interest on this page and use the Topics link to navigate back to the top of the page.

1. Multi-item manual forecast adjustment

Referred to as “Adjust items” on the user interface.

Easily make forecast adjustments to larger numbers of individual item forecasts, when navigating to each individual item will take too long. When using this functionality, it is recommended that you:

  1. Select a filter to get to a manageable list of items
  2. Manually review and amend forecasts, where appropriate
  3. Apply the changes, and freeze the forecasts

The importance of filters

When you click on the Forecast menu option, the forecast summary page displays the sales and forecast graphic for the entire location. This may mean that there are hundreds, or even thousands, of items in that location contributing to the overall summary picture. This would make it impractical to drill through and manually modify individual item forecasts.

Filters should be used to narrow down the number of items displayed to a more manageable list before opening up the multi-manual forecast functionality.

After clicking on the Forecast menu option, select the required location and click on the Filter button. 

In this example, location A10 has been selected.

This screen displays to available enter the criteria to hone in on the forecast group you wish to review/amend:

  1. Specify the criteria to filter
  2. Click the Apply filter button
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X filters1

After clicking on the Forecast menu option, select the required location and click on the Filter button. 

In this example, location A10 has been selected.

This screen displays to available enter the criteria to hone in on the forecast group you wish to review/amend:

  1. Specify the criteria to filter
  2. Click the Apply filter button

In this example, the sales and forecast summary will display for items with:

  • Group 1 =  STI
  • Classification = Stocked
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X filters2

In this example, the sales and forecast summary will display for items with:

  • Group 1 =  STI
  • Classification = Stocked

To use the multi-item manual forecast adjustment

Click the Adjust items button to review the individual forecasts,  make any required amendments, and apply them. This will navigate directly to the multi-item manual forecasting adjustment functionality so that changes can be made to individual item forecasts.

Prior to navigating to the multi-item manual forecasting adjustment functionality, you may want to make (but not apply) a global forecast adjustment for the selected group of items. If so:

  1. First, click the Adjust totals button, make the required change to the month(s) in question, and model the change.
  2. Then, click the Adjust items button to review the resultant individual adjusted forecasts before applying changes.
multi-item Click to enlarge image
X multi-item

To use the multi-item manual forecast adjustment

Click the Adjust items button to review the individual forecasts,  make any required amendments, and apply them. This will navigate directly to the multi-item manual forecasting adjustment functionality so that changes can be made to individual item forecasts.

Prior to navigating to the multi-item manual forecasting adjustment functionality, you may want to make (but not apply) a global forecast adjustment for the selected group of items. If so:

  1. First, click the Adjust totals button, make the required change to the month(s) in question, and model the change.
  2. Then, click the Adjust items button to review the resultant individual adjusted forecasts before applying changes.

List of all items for review

The list of filtered items is displayed, enabling you to scroll down reviewing each item, and making manual forecast adjustments where appropriate.

This screen contains:

  • The column headings, each of which are clickable to sort the list of items in that order
  • The list of individual items
  • A summary of the items listed (bottom right), including the net result of any adjustments made (shown in green)
  • A selector enabling you to view the summary by Cost price, Sell price, Margin, or Units
  • The forecasts can be downloaded and adjusted in a spreadsheet and
  • The adjusted forecasts can be uploaded
  • The buttons to Apply the manual forecast adjustments, or to Undo the changes made.

Click on the column headings to sort the list in that order, for example sorting the list by:

  • Risk to highlight items with significant forecast risk. Focusing on improving the forecasts of these items will reduce forecast risk and optimise safety stock levels.
list-of-items-review Click to enlarge image
X list-of-items-review

List of all items for review

The list of filtered items is displayed, enabling you to scroll down reviewing each item, and making manual forecast adjustments where appropriate.

This screen contains:

  • The column headings, each of which are clickable to sort the list of items in that order
  • The list of individual items
  • A summary of the items listed (bottom right), including the net result of any adjustments made (shown in green)
  • A selector enabling you to view the summary by Cost price, Sell price, Margin, or Units
  • The forecasts can be downloaded and adjusted in a spreadsheet and
  • The adjusted forecasts can be uploaded
  • The buttons to Apply the manual forecast adjustments, or to Undo the changes made.

Click on the column headings to sort the list in that order, for example sorting the list by:

  • Risk to highlight items with significant forecast risk. Focusing on improving the forecasts of these items will reduce forecast risk and optimise safety stock levels.

Status so you can review forecasts for items that have stock-outs and potential stock-outs, to ensure the forecasts are accurate and the extent of the stock-out or potential stock-out is realistic.

For each item, information is provided to assist with reviewing the forecast and deciding on whether a manual adjustment is necessary, including:

  • Sorted by Risk
  • Product and grouping information
  • An indicator of the importance of the item (CL)
  • An indicator of the Status category (Excess stock)
  • The sales and forecast graphic
  • Sales and forecast averages, period to date sales, the age of the item
  • Two years worth of sales history, the computer forecast and a place to make your forecast adjustment
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X list-of-items-review2

Status so you can review forecasts for items that have stock-outs and potential stock-outs, to ensure the forecasts are accurate and the extent of the stock-out or potential stock-out is realistic.

For each item, information is provided to assist with reviewing the forecast and deciding on whether a manual adjustment is necessary, including:

  • Sorted by Risk
  • Product and grouping information
  • An indicator of the importance of the item (CL)
  • An indicator of the Status category (Excess stock)
  • The sales and forecast graphic
  • Sales and forecast averages, period to date sales, the age of the item
  • Two years worth of sales history, the computer forecast and a place to make your forecast adjustment

When forecast changes are made, the cell background colour changes. Additionally, the summary table at the bottom (bottom right) reflects the impact of those changes.

Please note: In these screenshots the optional “Extended Planning Horizon” module has been enabled to show 24 months of forecasts.

Any forecast changes made are not “live” until you click the Apply button, which applies the adjusted forecasts to the live data.

A final step to re-process the data is required to have those forecast adjustments impact ordering, classification and status determination.

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X list-of-items-review3

When forecast changes are made, the cell background colour changes. Additionally, the summary table at the bottom (bottom right) reflects the impact of those changes.

Please note: In these screenshots the optional “Extended Planning Horizon” module has been enabled to show 24 months of forecasts.

Any forecast changes made are not “live” until you click the Apply button, which applies the adjusted forecasts to the live data.

A final step to re-process the data is required to have those forecast adjustments impact ordering, classification and status determination.

2. Group seasonal forecasting

To apply seasonality to items in a seasonal group where seasonality has not been detected based on the item’s own sales history. This is particularly important for customers with a very seasonal business and many young (or new) items.

When selecting the group to use for group seasonal forecasting, select a group where like items will group well together.

The existence of group seasonal factors being used to generate the seasonal forecast on an individual item in a location is shown by the Demand type on the Demand panel (top right) displaying the words Seasonal group.

The seasonal group factors will be used to generate an individual item forecast when:

  • The item is in a group that is clearly seasonal.
  • And either:
    • The item’s limited sales history means that seasonality can’t be detected.
    • The item has sufficient history but seasonality thresholds have not been met.

In the example shown in the image, the item has an age of 26 in the #AUCK Warehouse. The sales history did not meet the seasonality criteria thresholds. Because it is in a group that is seasonal, it received a Seasonal Group forecast.

group1 Click to enlarge image
X group1

The existence of group seasonal factors being used to generate the seasonal forecast on an individual item in a location is shown by the Demand type on the Demand panel (top right) displaying the words Seasonal group.

The seasonal group factors will be used to generate an individual item forecast when:

  • The item is in a group that is clearly seasonal.
  • And either:
    • The item’s limited sales history means that seasonality can’t be detected.
    • The item has sufficient history but seasonality thresholds have not been met.

In the example shown in the image, the item has an age of 26 in the #AUCK Warehouse. The sales history did not meet the seasonality criteria thresholds. Because it is in a group that is seasonal, it received a Seasonal Group forecast.

Group seasonal profile

Clicking on the words Seasonal group in the Demand panel will display the group seasonal profile used to generate the forecast. See example below.

The group seasonal profile is created by:

  • Aggregating the sales history of all items in the group
  • Generating a forecast based on the aggregate sales
  • Identifying the resultant forecast profile as seasonal
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X group2

Group seasonal profile

Clicking on the words Seasonal group in the Demand panel will display the group seasonal profile used to generate the forecast. See example below.

The group seasonal profile is created by:

  • Aggregating the sales history of all items in the group
  • Generating a forecast based on the aggregate sales
  • Identifying the resultant forecast profile as seasonal

The item forecast is created by:

  • Forecasting the item to get a forecast “level”
  • Applying the seasonal forecast profile to the item’s “level” if it does not attract a seasonal forecast based on its sales

Clicking on the words Seasonal group in the Demand panel displays the group seasonal profile used to generate the forecast.

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X group3

The item forecast is created by:

  • Forecasting the item to get a forecast “level”
  • Applying the seasonal forecast profile to the item’s “level” if it does not attract a seasonal forecast based on its sales

Clicking on the words Seasonal group in the Demand panel displays the group seasonal profile used to generate the forecast.

The Seasonal Group graphic displays:

  • The selected group; in this case Purpose
  • The code and description for the group; in this case Construction: Description for Construction
  • Charts; showing multiple years of sales history and the forecast for this group
  • Stats; the row underneath the chart includes the following:
    • Year-on-Year; a view of the seasonal profiles across multiple years stacked on top of each other
    • Comparison; showing any trends, either sales growth or decline, for the group
    • Item count; the number of items included in this group
    • Avg age; the average age of the items in this group
    • Max age; the oldest item in this group
    • Age distribution; showing where items fall between maximum age and minimum age
    • Min age; the youngest item in this group
group4 Click to enlarge image
X group4

The Seasonal Group graphic displays:

  • The selected group; in this case Purpose
  • The code and description for the group; in this case Construction: Description for Construction
  • Charts; showing multiple years of sales history and the forecast for this group
  • Stats; the row underneath the chart includes the following:
    • Year-on-Year; a view of the seasonal profiles across multiple years stacked on top of each other
    • Comparison; showing any trends, either sales growth or decline, for the group
    • Item count; the number of items included in this group
    • Avg age; the average age of the items in this group
    • Max age; the oldest item in this group
    • Age distribution; showing where items fall between maximum age and minimum age
    • Min age; the youngest item in this group

3. Forecast downloads/uploads

Easily download forecasts to a CSV file so that mass changes can be made in Excel (or another spreadsheet program) and then uploaded back into the App, instead of making the changes directly in the App using the multi-item manual forecast adjustment.

Navigation to the forecast download/upload functionality is via the multi-item manual forecast adjustment – please read that section above for more information.

Once you have the list of items you wish to review for forecast amendment, simply follow these steps below.

Step 1: Download items to a CSV file

Once you have filtered the items in the multi-forecasting page (1) to get to a manageable list (2), simply click the Download button (3) to download all of those items to a CSV file.

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X download-1

Step 1: Download items to a CSV file

Once you have filtered the items in the multi-forecasting page (1) to get to a manageable list (2), simply click the Download button (3) to download all of those items to a CSV file.

Step 2: Modify forecasts in your spreadsheet app

To make the required changes to the CSV file:

  1. Open the CSV file in Excel, Google sheets, etc
  2. Manually review and amend the forecasts, if required
  3. Save the CSV file

Note: it is important to retain column A (important identifiers) and the forecast columns (FC:1 through FC:12) - or (FC: 1 through FC:24 if the extended planning horizon optional module is enabled). Without ALL of these columns the upload of your forecast changes will fail.

modify Click to enlarge image
X modify

Step 2: Modify forecasts in your spreadsheet app

To make the required changes to the CSV file:

  1. Open the CSV file in Excel, Google sheets, etc
  2. Manually review and amend the forecasts, if required
  3. Save the CSV file

Note: it is important to retain column A (important identifiers) and the forecast columns (FC:1 through FC:12) - or (FC: 1 through FC:24 if the extended planning horizon optional module is enabled). Without ALL of these columns the upload of your forecast changes will fail.

Step 3: Upload the CSV file

Click the Upload button (4) in the image above, then Choose file, locate the CSV file you just saved and the upload will automatically start. Upon completion you will either be notified:

  • Of any errors processing the file
  • That the file has been imported successfully


upload Click to enlarge image
X upload

Step 3: Upload the CSV file

Click the Upload button (4) in the image above, then Choose file, locate the CSV file you just saved and the upload will automatically start. Upon completion you will either be notified:

  • Of any errors processing the file
  • That the file has been imported successfully


After a successful import click the Reload now button to refresh the page with the updated forecasts.

reload Click to enlarge image
X reload

After a successful import click the Reload now button to refresh the page with the updated forecasts.

Errors are displayed as follows:

errors Click to enlarge image
X errors

Errors are displayed as follows:

Step 4: Apply the forecast changes

Any forecast changes made are not “live” until you click the Apply button, which applies the adjusted forecasts to the live data.

In addition to the Apply button, you can also click Undo to disregard the changes.

After reloading the page, any forecasts that you changed will be highlighted with a green background.

In this case 2 months of forecast have been changed/increased.

The changes are reflected against each item and in the summary totals at the bottom of the page.


apply Click to enlarge image
X apply

Step 4: Apply the forecast changes

Any forecast changes made are not “live” until you click the Apply button, which applies the adjusted forecasts to the live data.

In addition to the Apply button, you can also click Undo to disregard the changes.

After reloading the page, any forecasts that you changed will be highlighted with a green background.

In this case 2 months of forecast have been changed/increased.

The changes are reflected against each item and in the summary totals at the bottom of the page.


By clicking Apply, all of the changes you made to any forecast in the spreadsheet will be applied and the forecasts will be frozen.

You are able to enter a comment during this process and this comment will be added against the products with amended forecasts only. This is useful in keeping a record of when and why forecast changes were made.

Step 5: Perform a re-process

A final step to re-process the data is required to have those forecast adjustments impact ordering, classification and status determination.

apply2 Click to enlarge image
X apply2

By clicking Apply, all of the changes you made to any forecast in the spreadsheet will be applied and the forecasts will be frozen.

You are able to enter a comment during this process and this comment will be added against the products with amended forecasts only. This is useful in keeping a record of when and why forecast changes were made.

Step 5: Perform a re-process

A final step to re-process the data is required to have those forecast adjustments impact ordering, classification and status determination.

4. Forecast disaggregation

For many businesses with a large number of stores/locations, managing the forecasts at a store level is difficult. Additionally, forecasts generated on store-level sales data may be unreliable.

The forecast disaggregation feature resolves these issues by the creation of a region consisting of stores/locations. This enables the:

  • Aggregation of sales history into the region
  • Creation of a more reliable forecast based on the aggregate sales at the regional level. Aggregated sales are more likely to produce a quality forecast, and where appropriate, a seasonal profile is used
  • Distribution of the regional forecast back down to the stores/locations

The benefits of this approach are:

  • Better forecasts at the store/location level
  • Easier management of forecasts
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X animation

The forecast disaggregation feature resolves these issues by the creation of a region consisting of stores/locations. This enables the:

  • Aggregation of sales history into the region
  • Creation of a more reliable forecast based on the aggregate sales at the regional level. Aggregated sales are more likely to produce a quality forecast, and where appropriate, a seasonal profile is used
  • Distribution of the regional forecast back down to the stores/locations

The benefits of this approach are:

  • Better forecasts at the store/location level
  • Easier management of forecasts

The Demand type for the item at the location level is shown as “Disaggregated”. This can be seen on the Stock Enquiry.

Selecting the hyperlink “Disaggregated” displays the average monthly forecast generated at the regional level, and the share of the average forecast that each location was allocated. 

forecast-1 Click to enlarge image
X forecast-1

The Demand type for the item at the location level is shown as “Disaggregated”. This can be seen on the Stock Enquiry.

Selecting the hyperlink “Disaggregated” displays the average monthly forecast generated at the regional level, and the share of the average forecast that each location was allocated. 

This provides visibility on the disaggregation calculation.

In this example, the regional average forecast for this item is 106.8. The proportions of how this forecast has been shared amongst the locations are apparent.

The information button shows the basis of how the forecast was disaggregated.

The location link opens a Stock Enquiry for the item in that location.

forecast2-1 Click to enlarge image
X forecast2-1

This provides visibility on the disaggregation calculation.

In this example, the regional average forecast for this item is 106.8. The proportions of how this forecast has been shared amongst the locations are apparent.

The information button shows the basis of how the forecast was disaggregated.

The location link opens a Stock Enquiry for the item in that location.

Activate the advanced forecasting module

Please complete the form below if you would like us to contact you regarding activating the Advanced forecasting functionality in your environment.

Please note: The advanced forecasting module is an optional module, which can be enabled with a small increase to your monthly subscription fee.

Complete the form to Watch a Demo